Used to be a king a very long time ago who had a beautiful queen. She was pretty full of her own importance, and he got rid of her. His next queen was from the wrong side of the tracks. She never said "Boo" to him at all. She was "meek and quiet."
One day she found out some people were planning to kill her relatives, so she committed a major transgression and went to see the king without being asked. Anyone approaching this guy without his invitation first was supposed to be killed! But this woman went to see him, knowing the rules.
The king was so nuts for this queen, however, that he not only didn't have her killed, he asked her what she wanted without her actually asking. She just went and stood in his presence without saying a word, and he asked her what she needed.
And she got it. Her family was spared, and the people trying to kill them, were killed by the king's men.
There was a time when women understood that they were not likely to win an arm-wrestling contest with a guy, so they out-smarted him. They were taught by other women how to communicate with men, and how to get them to WANT to do as the women desired.
Feminism, as a modern socio-political movement, was about some noble-sounding ideas, but those ideas boiled down to "I want the right to have anything that a man has, if I want it, but nothing that I don't want."
So women, in my view, lowered themselves to the sub-level of masculinity, when all along the enlightened ones knew how to rule men with wisdom, subtlety, and a quiet strength that made strong men BEG for ways to satisfy them. Rather than be patient, and empathic, and mesmerizing in their softness and quiet dignity, women became as petty, superficial, brash, demanding and obnoxious as Cro-Magnon men.
Better men behaved with more nobility and sensitivity than they do today ... inspired to do so in order to impress women of nobility and sensitivity. The ladies did not throw their weight around (mainly accomplished verbally today), and the men were profoundly moved by such restraint and "mystery."
Feministas today are not "mysterious." They are confusing and annoying.
Quiet, thoughtful, volunteering, "low maintenance" women today still get the riveted attention of many men, but such women are more rare than ever, and their EXAMPLE to men is gone. So men have fallen to the low expectations of shallow women, as a whole, and women whine about how men are such clowns, animals, and foolish boys.
Used to be a day when a woman would softly tell her man how strong, and tall, how kind and handsome, how wise and inspiring he was ... and he would move heaven and earth to prove her right.
Today's result of organized feminism, to me, is a raw deal for both ladies, and gentlemen.
Am I for equal pay for equal work, etc.? Sure!
But all you had to do was ask, before. Now that women are "empowered" to demand it like a man, they inspire men to compete, now ... to argue, debate, negotiate, and to begrudge anything they "lose."
Once it was given gladly (by many, not by all, of course).
For this reason a movie like "Kate & Leopold" is a huge success. He was a gentleman who treated his lady like a lady, not like a man, and they both found that to be delightful.