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Left alone, Americans, for the most part, get along well with one another. When Politics, Religion and other capitalized pronouns become involved, Americans, like anyone, can become foolish, and even dangerous. Here's how the world appears to someone who is not defined by pop-culture, junk-science categories. (Note: I write for adults. Some language may be unsuitable for children.)

Thursday, August 19, 2004

All-Year Schooling

Some people have recently opined that making kids go to school all around the year deprives them of the play time of summer, disallowing the little darlings to 'just be kids.'

So it's "No playing for YOU!" for nine months and then three months of recovery and healing? What kind of sense does THAT make?

Let the kids learn to "work" and to play ALL the time. Don't train them to dread the 75% of the time they have to slave away at school/job and to scamper and frolick in the fantasy land of summer/weekends.

Sorry, gang, but summer break was NEVER intended to be a recess from reality. It was to help do very hard farm labor for harvest/survival.

The American education system is pathetic, especially compared to the rest of the world, and so is the work ethic. Europeans take more breaks from work than Americans do ... but they work more actual time when they are on the job than Americans do, as well.

(And sending the brats to school all year around DOES get them the hell out of my weekday cinema matinee, and off the streets in cars too fast for their maturity to handle ... but that's just a side benefit for me.)


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