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Left alone, Americans, for the most part, get along well with one another. When Politics, Religion and other capitalized pronouns become involved, Americans, like anyone, can become foolish, and even dangerous. Here's how the world appears to someone who is not defined by pop-culture, junk-science categories. (Note: I write for adults. Some language may be unsuitable for children.)

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Feminism's Raw Deal, Continued

In the year twenty-five twenty-five ... if man and woman can survive....

One day women may equal and excel men in size, upper body strength and stamina under stress (not emotional stress, but load-nearing physical stress). When that day arrives, women will no longer have ANY need for men, except as manufacturers of reproductive fluids.

Today the prominence of handguns and other labor-saving devices bring women so close to physical parity with guys that the difference is minor. Men no longer dominate women, as a total gender.

The remaining dominance over women is in property ownership, and in authority in business and government. Guys still own most of the stuff, and run most of the organizations.

And there is still a glass ceiling for women ... although it gets higher every day, it seems.

Men still hold women back very, very often ... perhaps even more often than not, but I have no numbers to guess by.

The function of men, at a purely animal level, is to incite offspring and to defend the women and offspring, even indirectly by defending the territory, property, cattle, etc.

When men are no longer needed for anything but sperm ... and before long not even that ... they will no longer have any meaningful place in society. In fact, it is so close to this now that it is frightening (at least, to men who want to have some purpose other than whacking off, eating and playing video games).

The origins of feminism are found in the abuse of them as persons by stupid (i.e., most) men. I intended to mention in my first post that feminism, in some form, was needed, and has caused huge improvement in the treatment of women as people. But, as with almost any "movement," it went too far for too long and lost sight of the fundamental objectives.

Men continue to walk around "wired" for action as defender-providers. Friends can attest to the fact that I am not a macho man. One of my girlfriends teases me about being her "gay" man-pal, in fact! When I was threatened by a drunk trucker several months ago I did not clean his clock ... I called for help like a wuss! (Still angry for the creep putting me in that position, and for having lost my nerve. )

But when a guy at my sister's job bitched her out to the point of making her cry, I showed up in the store the next day and told him he needed to deal with her as if he were dealing with me, because if he stepped out of line with her again I would happily kick his entire ass. He believed it. So did she. And it was true. You don't fuck with my mom, my sister or my niece. It's a close call if you jump froggy with my brothers, either. On my own I will run (or walk as fast as I can and still convince myself that I look cool) from danger. In the context of my dearest ... well, my expression is "I'd slap a grizzly for my niece."

Mr. Intellectual, Fifty-Something Word Surgeon is, when it gets down to brass tacks, a mindless cave-critter. I am neither proud of nor ashamed of that. This is just a fact of my existence I have come to accept.

Nowadays my usefulness in this manner is limited, and anachronistic. Excessive zeal in feminism has brought me to the point of obsolescence. And in this position, a lot of men go "postal." When men are challenged to believe that women are smarter, wiser, have more endurance, and even better at sex than men ... guys are left with few options. We can become homosexuals, or women "haters" (who really love women but have no clue about how to demonstrate it so we wind up...) abusing women verbally, professionally, and physically. Or we stay single until we can find a woman young enough not to recognize her superiority yet, and then we do everything we can to keep her distracted from finding it out by dazzling her with material gifts and peacock strutting.

Me, I keep watching for the chica who hasn't fully invested in the idea of "madchen uber alles," and has a sentimental hankering for the "good ole days" when men were like trained bears guarding their delicate MASTERS.

And I don't mind if she knows I am her inferior slave, as long as she enjoys allowing me to PRETEND to be her sterling champion....


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