The Latest So-Called "Constitutional Crisis"
I distrust many of Mr. Bush's advisors and ideas. I'm looking forward to a change (although not just any change) in naught-eight. Bush is an administrator, and I actually like that sort of executive . . . but he is an emotional administrator, and that keeps me nervous.
But, further to the "Constitutional crisis" point . . . the spirit of the Constitution is to restrict government. The assorted branches of U.S. government do, indeed, collude, on both sides of the aisle, in swelling the perpetuity and scope of intrusiveness of the central, federal juggernaut. Any Dem or Rep who denies that they and their party are foaming at the mouth to have a big enough "branch" to demand and get their own way on the Big Issues is either a professional liar (aka "politician") or a myopic rube (aka "wild-eyed dreamer").
The triune branches of the government are not the checks and balances, and the Big Two Partays are not the checks and balances.
American liberty against government domination and undue interference in essential, individual liberty (as "guaranteed" by the short-circuited, undermined Constitution) is assured in Three Boxes. (Google up the origin of this statement if you have the time . . . it is a fascinating story.)
The Ballot Box: where informed Americans send a 'peer' to speak for them . . .someonee they know, even if only by a reasonable local reputation. This is where laws are supposed to be made. (This box isneglectedd by Americans acquiescing to the Big Party plan where professional liars nominate one of their own peers to run against the Big Liar from the other professional liars' union, and every election one of the two people who are massively out of touch with the majority of their constituency go and speak for the Big Partay system they truly represent.)
The Jury Box: where informed Americans sit and hear the case of a "local boy" and decide if that "peer" did what they were accused of, and if what they were accused of doing was wrong in the first place. This is where laws are reviewed at the operative level, and where they are confirmed and enforced, or vetoed by the people. (Here is where checks and balances wither as jurors accept the bald-faced lie that they are not to judge the law in the case. The Jury system provides a way to undo ridiculous legislation made by runaway legislators. This is a check to apply until the next election when the pinhead[s] that came up with the stupid-ass law can be replaced.)
The Cartridge Box: where informed Americans keep a reasonable and watchful eye on their own property, and help their neighbors watch there's, until the cops or troops can arrive to help . . . even against the cops and the troops if they are being directed against the legitimate will of the people by an executive or legislature gone out of rightful control. This is where the rule of law is defended. (This box is busted flat by media hype on both sides of the Second Amendment issue. The fact remains that, of all the "Do Overs" the Bill of Rights was penned to supply, the second most important was the maintenance of civilian baseline defense in a "militia." If the founders and authors had intended this to mean the army or navy or police, they would have used the terms "army," "navy" or "police." The "national guard" of the day was composed of civilians, armed and ready to be called up by local authority to deal with local defense against violent aggression. These were not sworn professionals. To infer that today's para-professional National Guard personnel are the "militia" is to bolster the domination of a central government over individual and local freedom and abdicate personal responsibility for taking care of one's own affairs, and lending a hand with the troubles of the immediate community.)
You want checks and balances? Stop sending trained assholes to state and national legislatures (and executive service); stop sending local pot-smokers to jail, and setting known sex-offenders free because of too many pot-smokers in the system; and stop whinging about how there's never a cop around when you need one to stop the violent aggressor at your home or office because they are off busting down the door of a non-violent pot-smoker.
You check. You balance. Expecting Big Brother to do it is why some deity invented tyranny . . . and why Americans suffer under a veiled tyranny today . . . .
But, further to the "Constitutional crisis" point . . . the spirit of the Constitution is to restrict government. The assorted branches of U.S. government do, indeed, collude, on both sides of the aisle, in swelling the perpetuity and scope of intrusiveness of the central, federal juggernaut. Any Dem or Rep who denies that they and their party are foaming at the mouth to have a big enough "branch" to demand and get their own way on the Big Issues is either a professional liar (aka "politician") or a myopic rube (aka "wild-eyed dreamer").
The triune branches of the government are not the checks and balances, and the Big Two Partays are not the checks and balances.
American liberty against government domination and undue interference in essential, individual liberty (as "guaranteed" by the short-circuited, undermined Constitution) is assured in Three Boxes. (Google up the origin of this statement if you have the time . . . it is a fascinating story.)
The Ballot Box: where informed Americans send a 'peer' to speak for them . . .someonee they know, even if only by a reasonable local reputation. This is where laws are supposed to be made. (This box isneglectedd by Americans acquiescing to the Big Party plan where professional liars nominate one of their own peers to run against the Big Liar from the other professional liars' union, and every election one of the two people who are massively out of touch with the majority of their constituency go and speak for the Big Partay system they truly represent.)
The Jury Box: where informed Americans sit and hear the case of a "local boy" and decide if that "peer" did what they were accused of, and if what they were accused of doing was wrong in the first place. This is where laws are reviewed at the operative level, and where they are confirmed and enforced, or vetoed by the people. (Here is where checks and balances wither as jurors accept the bald-faced lie that they are not to judge the law in the case. The Jury system provides a way to undo ridiculous legislation made by runaway legislators. This is a check to apply until the next election when the pinhead[s] that came up with the stupid-ass law can be replaced.)
The Cartridge Box: where informed Americans keep a reasonable and watchful eye on their own property, and help their neighbors watch there's, until the cops or troops can arrive to help . . . even against the cops and the troops if they are being directed against the legitimate will of the people by an executive or legislature gone out of rightful control. This is where the rule of law is defended. (This box is busted flat by media hype on both sides of the Second Amendment issue. The fact remains that, of all the "Do Overs" the Bill of Rights was penned to supply, the second most important was the maintenance of civilian baseline defense in a "militia." If the founders and authors had intended this to mean the army or navy or police, they would have used the terms "army," "navy" or "police." The "national guard" of the day was composed of civilians, armed and ready to be called up by local authority to deal with local defense against violent aggression. These were not sworn professionals. To infer that today's para-professional National Guard personnel are the "militia" is to bolster the domination of a central government over individual and local freedom and abdicate personal responsibility for taking care of one's own affairs, and lending a hand with the troubles of the immediate community.)
You want checks and balances? Stop sending trained assholes to state and national legislatures (and executive service); stop sending local pot-smokers to jail, and setting known sex-offenders free because of too many pot-smokers in the system; and stop whinging about how there's never a cop around when you need one to stop the violent aggressor at your home or office because they are off busting down the door of a non-violent pot-smoker.
You check. You balance. Expecting Big Brother to do it is why some deity invented tyranny . . . and why Americans suffer under a veiled tyranny today . . . .
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