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Left alone, Americans, for the most part, get along well with one another. When Politics, Religion and other capitalized pronouns become involved, Americans, like anyone, can become foolish, and even dangerous. Here's how the world appears to someone who is not defined by pop-culture, junk-science categories. (Note: I write for adults. Some language may be unsuitable for children.)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

What is a Gallbladder?

If I had been born about two generations earlier, I would have died at the young age of 47. At that age my gallbladder ceased not only to function as a gallbladder, it ceased to function in any capacity and became a lump of rotting meat in my abdomen, poisoning me slowly. A couple of generations ago, the gallbladder was not known to be “optional” and people died from such a catastrophic failure.

Fortunately for me, medical science learned that a person can live, and live right well, thanks, without the gallbladder. Huzzah for the medical profession, and for me!

I have dear friends who are pro-choice concerning abortion.

Recently, it occurred to me to ask one of them a question I felt might be too touchy for our friendship, but the question would not let go and, in order to discharge the load like a build-up of static electricity, I am writing the question here.

What is a fetus?

If a fetus is a human, abortion is a “choice” to commit murder. Period. To justify abortion choice as not being murder, then the procedure of abortion must be defined as a medical procedure on . . . what?

Is a fetus a tumor? Is it a cancer? Is it an appendage? Is it an organ? Is it a cyst?

At some point a fetus becomes a child, and there is no definition of this amazing threshold, but there must be some description of what the fetal tissue is that makes it liable to surgical removal.

Is it a vestigial twin of the mother?

There is no concrete proof that a fetus is, or is not a human being. Yet, unless pro-abortion advocates are just sociopathic monsters, the fetus must be classified as . . . something other than a person.

So, what is it?

If abortion is moral and ethical, then removing the fetus is, essentially, clipping a hangnail or shaving unwanted body hair. Abortion is supported on the grounds that it is the woman’s choice about her own body . . . but if a man chooses to destroy the fetus he contributed to spawning, it is murder. A woman is not supposed to torture a pet, or even kill it if it is viable and not critically injured or ill, so a fetus is not even as much as a “pet.”

I have a position on the abortion issue that says it is foolhardy to destroy a fetus until it can be defined as something other than human. Until it is clearly categorized as some sort of waste byproduct of the body, or other offending, but unnecessary or unwanted object, it might be a child, and reason cries to err on the side of safety. People are thrown in jail for child endangerment, after all.

So, is a fetus a segment of “stool”?

Until society can prove beyond a reasonable doubt (and please note, there are always unreasonable doubts!) that a fetus is something other than human, the destruction of this undefined tissue is irresponsible and criminally short-sighted.


Blogger Valkyrie said...

I guess it all depends on when a person feels life begins. If it begins at conception, even birth control pills are a form of abortion, preventing life from quickening, denying a potential person a right to live. Some people feel that way and they are entitled to their opinions. I actually had problems getting that kind of prescription filled and I was using them for other reasons.

Some people twist logic until it fits their needs. (I am not thinking of you or me, but rather another type of person)

I'm mostly worried about laws getting mucked about, and regulations/restrictions on abortion being blurred with medical procedures (dilation and curettage, mostly used for abortion, but also for removing fibroids) that help women.

It might surprise you, but I would like to see abortion limited as birth control. There are alternatives and abortion is incredibly hard on a woman's body and it might have an adverse effect if the woman wants to have children in the future. I think better education is needed before a woman should undergo the procedure.

Wed Jan 25, 07:38:00 PM PST  
Blogger Valkyrie said...

I miss you?

Thu Jan 26, 05:40:00 PM PST  

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