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Left alone, Americans, for the most part, get along well with one another. When Politics, Religion and other capitalized pronouns become involved, Americans, like anyone, can become foolish, and even dangerous. Here's how the world appears to someone who is not defined by pop-culture, junk-science categories. (Note: I write for adults. Some language may be unsuitable for children.)

Friday, August 27, 2004

Punishment for Immoral Behavior

On another blog it was suggested that "social conservatives" claim abortion to be punishment for immoral behavior.

Unplanned children are not a punishment for immoral conduct, and it is disingenuous to accuse pro-lifers of claiming so.

Abortion is the punishment of an innocent child for conduct (moral or im-) beyond their control.

If the fetus is a person, then the issue is NOT about the person who got pregnant unintentionally (like slipping classified documents in a sock?). If the fetus is a person the issue is about a defenseless child. Adults who get involved in activities that produce pregnancies don't get a "get out of adult responsibilities free" card because they have regrets and say, "Wups."

Holding an unborn child ultimately accountable for (suffering rather dire consequences for) the actions if irresponsible adults is ... beyond comprehension. It borders on sociopathic denial of actual events, motives, and "actors."


Blogger Valkyrie said...

I don't agree with abortion as birth control. It should be a medical procedure to save the life of the mother if necessary.

But neither would I bear the child of a rapist or of incest.

Not all abortions are the cause of irresponsibility.

Fri Aug 27, 04:56:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Author said...

Regarding the "product" of rape or incest ... it is correct to hold the rapist or incestuous offender accountable for their actions ... NOT the child who is a victim, not an offender. Many people haven't seen the issue in that light, so I share it for your consideration.

And thanks for stopping by!

Sat Aug 28, 10:04:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Valkyrie said...

I stop by every day. ;-)

I do not like abortion; I believe strongly that life begins at conception.

But to force women to bring their assaulters child into the world..when they DON'T want to..seems more than a little cruel. They would have to think about it every day they were enceinte, they would resent the child a little more everyday... Ultimately, being 'cruel' to both of them. Women should choose what's best for them.

I think adoption is the best policy, myself, and it would have been what I'd have done.

Sat Aug 28, 10:45:00 AM PDT  

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