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Left alone, Americans, for the most part, get along well with one another. When Politics, Religion and other capitalized pronouns become involved, Americans, like anyone, can become foolish, and even dangerous. Here's how the world appears to someone who is not defined by pop-culture, junk-science categories. (Note: I write for adults. Some language may be unsuitable for children.)

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Nationalism Is NOT Equal to Patriotism

The word "patriot" has a fascinating origin. It is derived from the Greek root word "pater," or "father." On it's way to becoming the word we misunderstand and mis-apply today, it was something like "patrikos" which is loosely translated as "of ones father," or "a loyal child, faithful to the values of their father."

When people conduct themselves in ways that genuinely reflect and honor the behaviors and convictions of their national founders, they are genuine patriots. Most Americans are NOT patriots according to strict definition.

Modern Americans do not advocate or practice self-control and self-rule as their Fathers did. They do not feel that they can successfully go after their ideas and dreams, and do not feel accountable for their failures. They also do not advocate a live-and-let-live idea of leaving others alone ... and being left alone. Americans crave the false security and "peace" of having "experts" meddle in almost every aspect of their lives. The Patriot Act and the Department of Homeland Security are, in essence 180 degrees opposed to genuine patriotism and security.

American nationalism is the false bravado of a people who, deep inside, know that they do not measure up to sterling ancestors, and who put on a veneer of integrity in SHAME for falling short. Because it is unfounded, such nationalism is, indeed, dangerous, not least of all to the Americans themselves. The parallel between contemporary nationalism and Roman imperialism is too important to be trite.

In the end, a people who more closely follow the instincts and attitudes of the American Founders will overcome the puffed-up Macy's Parade blimps of modern American pseudo-patriots.

ANY people will overcome. It would be just swell if there was enough resurgence of genuine patriotism among Americans for this to happen, but I suspect it will not be Americans who RE-revolutionize America.

And it is a bitter, grim fact that few, if any, revolutions are bloodless. I do not in ANY way advocate violence (except in defense against violence). I am only saying that the "blood of patriots" is a commodity any true patriot must keep in mind.

I used to sign correspondence, "Looking for a Tea Party." That was a clever, non-violent form of protest. But it led to a deadly war. Is America ... is the world ... ready for NON-violent revolution of the magnitude needed? I believe it's possible ... but highly unlikely.


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