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Left alone, Americans, for the most part, get along well with one another. When Politics, Religion and other capitalized pronouns become involved, Americans, like anyone, can become foolish, and even dangerous. Here's how the world appears to someone who is not defined by pop-culture, junk-science categories. (Note: I write for adults. Some language may be unsuitable for children.)

Friday, January 01, 1999

MediaSpeak (tm) Guide to Socially-Expedient Usage

[This is a satirical "dictionary" inspired by my outrage at media bias during the 1992 Presidential elections fiasco.]

This reference work is intended to provide readers with an understanding of contemporary terminology and meaning.

Using an awkward phrase comes from misunderstanding its meaning. And while there are no "wrong" phrases, there are those which are more socially-expedient, empowering a person to make their thoughts and needs more clearly known to others.

Words are not the absolute building blocks of communication which traditional, reactionary education once declared them to be. More morally enlightened people of today know that words are just blank pieces of paper upon which we may write a meaning which is suitable to the moment, and therefore more truthful. Sentences are like railroad trains made up of empty, flat-bed cars. One sends the train along the rail, and as it goes, one replaces the freight (meaning), not the car (word), as the sentence proceeds toward the destination...another person agreeing to your thought.

When one works to maintain an engine, one must use tools. If a person were to pick up a "standard" tool which did not properly fit that person's hand, discomfort would occur, and challenge the worker's ability to perform. Better to pick up and use the "metric" tool which is more ergonomically suitable to the mechanic's hand! The mechanic can replace the "standard" component with a "metric" one, and "clarify" it according to that one mechanic's unalienable needs.

Students of today are the leaders of tomorrow, and as such demand our total allegiance today. If we do not answer their complaints today, they will not provide our needs tomorrow. Because of this, it is vital that students receive accurate instruction in reality. While the major infotainment media does not have power to sway the masses, as reactionaries complain, young people of today are increasingly able to use the media to empower their thoughts, so media is the "yin" to education's "yang", forming a complete wholeness.

It is of highest importance that professionals in the infotainment and education fields begin to use this reference in order to achieve the consistency necessary for communication to be effective. Building a house with a stretchable yardstick ends in disaster! Phrases must be used accurately, without variation, or the training of our youth will fail.

Consistent indoctrination in flexibility is the only salvation for America, and hence this reference work.


AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: mandated minority rule in commerce and industry.

AFRICAN-AMERICAN: involuntary American citizen whose ancestry is originally African. African-Americans, as a people, are the product of centuries of exploitation, and therefore are owed all of the rights and benefits of American citizenship, and none of the responsibilities or liabilities. They rightly enjoy the distinction of noble African heritage under the protection of the American Constitution. If it were not for the great debt which they are bound to collect on account of American racism, they would return to the Eden of their homelands and live peacefully among their own, superior, kind.

ANTI-ABORTIONIST: someone who violently opposes an obstetrically-empowered person's right to make life-and-death choices. These people use terrorist tactics to intimidate free persons seeking medically sound treatment for unwanted fetal tumors, and to torment the clinical staff and physicians which provide this treatment. These are most often found to be religiously oppressed, poorly educated, income-challenged, easily swayed by rhetoric, of Anglo-Caucasian descent, and culturally unenlightened adults, especially in the conservative, Republican, Judeo-Christian American South. (NOTE: anti-abortionists were previously called "Pro-Lifers", the adversaries of "Pro-Choice advocates". The term fell from usage when the correlary reversal of the prefix created the terms "Anti-Choice" and "Anti-Life", the latter of which demeans abortion supporters.)

BIGOT: anyone who does not acknowledge Anglo-Caucasian inferiority. These are most often found to be religiously oppressed, poorly educated, income-challenged, easily swayed by rhetoric, of Anglo-Caucasian descent, and culturally unenlightened adults, especially in the conservative, Republican, Judeo-Christian American South.

CAPITALIST: anyone who believes in business-for-income rather than business-for-support-of-the-common-good-as-manifest-in-government. These are most often found to be religiously oppressed, poorly educated, income-challenged, easily swayed by rhetoric, of Anglo-Caucasian descent, and culturally unenlightened adults, especially in the conservative, Republican, Judeo-Christian American South.

CHRISTIAN: a person, or theory, in agreement with the primitive opinions of a Middle-Eastern mystic, executed for leading unlawful protest against the rightful authorities of that time. These are most often found to be religiously oppressed, poorly educated, income-challenged, easily swayed by rhetoric, of Anglo-Caucasian descent, and culturally unenlightened adults, especially in the conservative, Republican, Judeo-Christian American South. (NOTE: They also tend to produce alarming numbers of anti-abortionists, bigots, capitalists, conservatives, discriminatory offenders, hate-criminals, homophobes, racists, reactionaries, Republicans, sexists and martyred missionaries who feed, clothe, educate and heal third-world peoples.)

CONSERVATION: no longer in use, except when prefixed by "energy-". Formerly, the efforts of citizens, business and government to maintain beauty and well-being of natural habitats and beings. Fell into disuse when became too similar to "conservative".

CONSERVATIVE: anyone opposed to and/or fearful of change. Conservatives tend to be those who hold power and/or wealth, and are firmly opposed to releasing any of it for anyone less-endowed. These are most often found to be religiously oppressed, poorly educated, income-challenged, easily swayed by rhetoric, of Anglo-Caucasian descent, and culturally unenlightened adults, especially in the conservative, Republican, Judeo-Christian American South.

CONSTITUTION, UNITED STATES: the document which should have guaranteed and defined American civil order, but which was penned by predominantly conservative, superstitious, Anglo-Caucasian, and obstetrically-challenged persons. (WARNING: In light of it's dubious origin, it must be interpretted as to what an enlightened person of today should say about the issue, and should never be quoted in context in any public forum or medium, risking the confusion of the majority of the population which is comprehension-challenged.)

CULTURAL ELITE: slanderous term, misapplied by hate-criminals to the enlightened leaders of the American infotainment industry.

DEMOCRAT: anyone who believes that the only salvation of the generally initiative-challenged people is in the existence of a strong government. "Ask not what your country can do for you...."

DISCRIMINATION: to violate the rights of someone because they are different, especially by refusing to give them a job, as should have been guaranteed to them in the Constitution. (NOTE: this word was formerly used to indicate the ability to recognize differences, and to attempt to select the most advantageous of multiple options.)

ECOLOGY: the new "science" that studies homo sapiens' detrimental impact on natural life systems which would otherwise go unchanged and pure, except by random caprice of currently undefined factors.

EMPOWER: to invest with artificial authority which should have been inherent, but is lacking, usually due to the disrespect of an oppressive majority.

ENVIRONMENTALIST: scientifically aware citizen-activist who fights for the preservation of natural order. Environmentalists tend to be highly educated and in the middle-income levels, or infotainment leaders. They are typified by devotion to the causes of ecological defense, even to the extent of risking their lives and reputations. They support the idea that all life is sacred, and that animals have the same rights as humans, all life being equal.

ETHICS: the field of socially-expedient practices.

EVOLUTION: the scientific principle that proves the foolishness of Newtonian thermodynamics. Evolutionists have proven that random collisions among simple, inanimate objects result in increasingly complex and coherent objects, which continue to collide and assemble to fashion biological entities, which continue to increase in complexity and to reproduce with miraculous consistency, always carrying forward the best features of the species, or mutating into another, superior species altogether. The pardigm-shift of species is produced by as-yet-unidentified, random cosmic forces which are void of intelligence and incapable of knowing what is more beneficial to survival.

FEMINIST: anyone who believes that persons are at least as competent as other persons in any and all fields, regardless of gender-specific anatomical distinctions. Feminists support scientific advances which demonstrate that obstetrically-empowered persons are actually superior to obstetrically-challenged persons in many important areas. A facet of feminism is the advocacy of alternative family structures, allowing obstetrically-empowered persons to be free from the abject bondage of domestic responsibilities.

FETUS: a tumorous organ which, if left alone (allowed to grow), will become a human with the right to parental support and committment, therefore jeopardizing the pregnancy-challenged carrier's freedom to choose unrestrained sexual activity, relatively unencumbered finances, and physical comfort.

GENDER-NEUTRAL: treating gender differences as irrelevant or non-existent in psycho-social matters.

GLOBAL WARMING: the scientific explanation for diminishing crop-seasons, and the increase of freak snows in southern cities during warmer months.

GREENHOUSE EFFECT: term used to describe how ozone-depletion is allowing the planet's atmosphere to warm up, threatening to melt polar ice caps, cause skin-cancer with minimal exposure, and scorch agricultural lands.

GRIDLOCK: partisan opposition which hinders unchecked presidential or congressional decree.

HATE CRIME: any act of opposition, verbal or physical, committed on the basis of a socially-inexpedient conviction, or by a person known to associate with people of socially-inexpedient convictions, and against an officially or commonly recognized minority. Hate crimes are frequently perpetrated by a consistent class of person. These are most often found to be religiously oppressed, poorly educated, income-challenged, easily swayed by rhetoric, of Anglo-Caucasian descent, and culturally unenlightened adults, especially in the conservative, Republican, Judeo-Christian American South.

HOMOPHOBE: a person with a superstitious disapproval of homosexuals, and homosexuality. Homophobia is characterized by hostility, often physical, toward anyone of a same-gender sexual orientation, and most-oftened justified on the basis of Judeo-Christian commandment to hate and destroy homosexuals. These are most often found to be religiously oppressed, poorly educated, income-challenged, easily swayed by rhetoric, of Anglo-Caucasian descent, and culturally unenlightened adults, especially in the conservative, Republican, Judeo-Christian American South.

HUMANIST: anyone who believes that man is the ultimate force, for destruction or salvation, in the universe.

INCLUSION: the social mandate to assemble, figuratively or literally, with persons which one finds to be unpleasant, or potentially dangerous.

INFOTAINMENT: the news, education and entertainment fields, especially as pertaining to electronic broadcast/recording and print distribution.

LIBERAL: anyone who advocates benevolence toward all life, and government restraint of excessive commerce.

LIBERTARIAN: anyone who believes that the government must serve/obey the people, or it is without Constitutional authority to exist, and that people must provide for themselves as much as possible, and provide for others on a voluntary basis. An anarchist.

MEDIA: see "infotainment".

MORALITY: involuntary conformity to the superstitious or out-moded rules of conduct of a fanatical minority.

OBSTETRICALLY-CHALLENGED PERSON: a human congenitally unable to carry to term and give birth to biological offspring.

OBSTETRICALLY-EMPOWERED PERSON: a human congenitally capable of carrying to term and giving birth to biological offspring.

POLITICAL SANCTION: a symbolic declaration of censure to demonstrate a non-violent opposition to socially-inexpedient conduct or policy.

POLITICALLY CORRECT: conforming to the common custom and usage of the majority, as confirmed by frequency of infotainment reference.

PURE: untouched and unaffected by homo sapiens.

RACIST: see “bigot.”.

REACTIONARY: anyone opposed to and/or fearful of change. Reactionaries tend to be those who hold power and/or wealth, and are firmly opposed to releasing any of it for anyone less-endowed. These are most often found to be religiously oppressed, poorly educated, income-challenged, easily swayed by rhetoric, of Anglo-Caucasian descent, and culturally unenlightened adults, especially in the conservative, Republican, Judeo-Christian American South.

RECYCLING: consumer efforts to participate in commercial atonement for the industrial rape of the planet.

REPUBLICAN: anyone who believes that the government must serve/obey business, if business is to provide for the people. These are most often found to be religiously oppressed, poorly educated, income-challenged, easily swayed by rhetoric, of Anglo-Caucasian descent, and culturally unenlightened adults, especially in the conservative, Judeo-Christian American South.

RIGHT(S): anything which people need or desire for a comfortable life, which the government is obligated to provide, even if depriving someone else of some of their rights in the process.

SEXIST: anyone who believes that obstetrically-empowered persons are different from obstetrically-challenged persons in any way other than anatomical. They support their bias with fringe-science and Biblical claims that obstetrically-empowered persons are "the weaker sex". Sexism manifests in unequal pay for equal work, social exclusion from obstetrically-challenged person-dominated activities (especially government), and constant harrassment for sexual indulgences. These are most often found to be religiously oppressed, poorly educated, income-challenged, easily swayed by rhetoric, of Anglo-Caucasian descent, and culturally unenlightened adults, especially in the conservative, Republican, Judeo-Christian American Southern obstetrically-challenged persons.

SOCIALISM: the misunderstood, misrepresented and misapplied economic theory which only failed in the Soviet Union, and elsewhere, because their people tended to be less well-educated and morally aware than Americans.

SOCIALLY-EXPEDIENT (-INEXPEDIENT): conforming to (rebelling against) the common custom and usage of the majority, as confirmed by frequency of infotainment reference.

STEREOTYPE: the image of a group of persons developed by sustained general observation (by means of media representations) of the more or less consistent patterns of speech and behavior within that group, which is then used to form expectancies regarding that group. Scores of Palestinian Liberation Organization members bomb civilians for decades, and all P.L.O. members are foolishly labeled as terrorists. Millions of Christians throughout history feed the hungry, heal the sick, educate the illiterate, and all Christians are presumed to be saintly. Enlightened persons know that you cannot prejudge a group of people by majority acts over a long period of time. Isolated incidents of extremism provide greater insight into otherwise enigmatic groups...such as the murder of an anti-obstetrician by a Christian terrorist, or the promiscuous and unrestrained conduct of an Eastern senator.

TAXES: involuntary contribution of overly-productive citizens toward the fulfillment of the government mandate to provide sustenance for production-challenged persons, to maintain a low-profile military defense, and to assure the quality of life for government workers.

VALUES CLARIFICATION: the creative process by which persons, especially pre-college students, make decisions and develop definitions about what they consider to be important and morally right. This allows them to establish their priorities while they are still in-touch with their childlike perfection of understanding. Values clarification thus promotes a less emotionally demanding adulthood; they already know right from wrong, and their adult decision-making is diminished to situational details, all greater issues having already been dealt with.